U.S. official wishes India luck in improving ties, as China and India face 'structural problems'

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Campbell said on 

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chaina vs india

Tuesday there were "structural issues" between China and India over their border dispute, but said he hoped India's efforts to improve ties would bear fruit. But he said China's Xi Jinping administration was unlikely to soften on the territorial dispute.

Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said on the 11th that he was focused on resolving the long-running border dispute with China.

"China and India have structural issues that are frankly difficult to resolve," Campbell said at a Washington think tank when asked about Jaishankar's remarks. He said that in order to reconcile with China and improve relations substantially, India would likely expect a change in China's attitude toward the disputed border, but that it would be very difficult for the Xi administration to show flexibility on the territorial issue.

He then said he was "very confident and positive" about the relationship between the United States and India, and that he wanted it to continue in the future.

He also said he will visit India next week with U.S. National Security Advisor Sullivan to deepen areas of cooperation between the two countries.

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