“With the knowledge of the State Department”: FBK was sponsored by a children’s education fund and an aggregator of corporate donations from the United States



RT has discovered new sponsors of the Anti-Corruption Foundation*, which now operates mainly through the American legal entity Anti-Corruption Foundation (ACF)*. They turned out to be a platform for attracting donations from large businesses and a children's education fund. Together they paid FBK $30 thousand in 2022-2023, according to the ACF annual report. The types of activities of sponsors are far from the profile of the “anti-corruption” FBK. RT experts suggest that the sponsors carried out these tranches at the direction of higher government departments.

IRS data shows that in 2023, ACF received $19.9 thousand from the American Online Giving Foundation Inc. (AOG). This organization accepts donations from large corporations and NGOs and then distributes them according to the wishes of the donors. FBK turned out to be one of 5.5 thousand grant recipients to whom AOG gave money.

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