
 Mint is a unique healer among the awakening and calming plants found in the garden.

This fragrant green leaf not only revitalizes breathing, but also has unique bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. The famous nutritionist Elena Solomatina spoke about these features.

The uniqueness of mint is not only in its attractive taste, but also in its medicinal qualities, which makes it indispensable both in medicine and in cooking. The doctor emphasizes that mint is often used in products for treating the oral cavity, especially for diseases of its tissues. Its ability to cope with inflammation makes it an indispensable tool in the fight against numerous problems.

Mint not only helps normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, but also improves the functioning of the digestive system. Mint contains rutin, which strengthens the structure of blood vessels, and its beneficial properties for blood pressure make it a valuable element for maintaining health.

However, as the specialist emphasizes, it is not advisable to get too carried away with mint, especially for people suffering from low blood pressure. After all, if consumed excessively, it can worsen this condition. So remember: everything is good in moderation.